it's currently 00:20 on day 2 so this post is dated as such. i didn't write anything on day 1 proper but i did make significant progress and continue setting everything up.
about 5 minutes ago i finally figured out
why the system time wasn't correct:
by default /rc/bin/termrc
calls the
command with arguments
that treat the system clock as local time
instead of UTC.
i have practically ruled out video viewing,
some videos crash treason
outright and the ones that don't
are so slow that the video lags significantly behind
the audio. i think this laptop is too slow for that.
audio actually works pretty well, even opus when
everything is patched.
i also installed the rio theme patch. i'm not sure why it isn't merged into 9front. but regardless it's useful and it works.
i might try installing uxn again on day 2.
would not run last time i tried it.
maybe on this install it will magically work
for some reason
edit: it does not